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World Chess Championship
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Mark Weeks
All pages link back to the index. The Kings's crown icon at the top of each page also links to the index.
The index (three pages) links to crosstables for all events. ![]()
All events have a crosstable which summarizes the results for the event.
A crosstable links to highlights and PGN files for the event.  . ![]()
Crosstables are linked together in chronological order. . ![]()
The highlights have positions from games of the event and perhaps some background about the event. Highlights link back to the crosstable for the event.
The highlights also have their own index page.  . ![]()
Highlights are linked together in chronological order. . ![]()
The games are in PGN (Portable Game Notation) format and are compressed using ZIP. A PGN file is a text file in algebraic chess notation which can be read without special software.
The PGN files also have their own index page .
The links between the games
The highlights page for an event covers the action for that event.A highlights page contains interesting positions from key games played during the corresponding event. A game on a highlights page can be linked to our bibliography page with a star .
Three star games![]()
When a game earns three stars, it is referenced on our best games page. The moves of the best games can be viewed online using the Internet Chess Club's game viewer. This requires that your browser be Java script enabled. ![]()
Best games are linked together in chronological order. . Other pages on the site
Roster of players Alphabetical list of all players who have participated in a World Chess Championship event, with links to the event(s) in which they participated Women champions Events which have determined Women World Chess Champions. Other World Champions Lists of Correspondence and Junior World Chess Champions. There is no information about the events other than the winner. Computers World Computer Chess Champions (WCCC) and World Microcomputer Chess Champions (WMCCC). Crosstables are available for many events. Thanks to Reciprocal links and acknowledgements for source material. Great rivalries Running battles between title contenders. Gadgets Chess directories, chess rings, and a lot more chess material not specifically related to the World Chess Championship subject. A springboard for exploring chess on the Web. Chess gifts Chess related products sold by e-commerce companies with which the World Chess Championship site has an affiliation.
This site has been in the making since May 1997. We were looking for information on the Web related to one of the 1960's Candidates matches and couldn't find anything. We decided to gather as many World Chess Championship games as we could find and make them available ourselves.
While we were collecting the game sources, we were surprised how many errors there were in the material which was already available on the Internet. We remove errors as we find them but it is an ongoing process.
The PGN files were loaded onto the Compuserve server in August 1997. The HTML crosstables were loaded at the same time and were built directly from the PGN headers using simple software which we developed ourselves. This helped us to remove many inconsistencies from the PGN files. The site was moved to Verio in October 1999.
Since the first files were loaded, we've added bits and pieces about the various events, time being our main constraint. The World Chess Championship is a broad subject and we doubt that we will ever really finish the site.
We have a large backlog of unpublished material which we polish and release from time to time. Most of our background material is original, and where we've extracted from other sources, we've so noted. If there is any violation of copyright, we'll remove the offending material immediately.
We think the Web, which allows anyone in the world to see our material, is an amazing technology. We thank you for your kind remarks and positive feedback -- it is the main reason which keeps us going!
![]() WCC Index |