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World Chess Championship
The match marked the first battle between two Soviet players for the world championship title since the 1969 Spassky-Petrosian title match. The games were played in the Hall of Columns, Trade Union House, Moscow.
At the time of the match, Karpov was 33 years old and rated 2705. Kasparov was 21 years old and rated 2715.
The first player to win six games would win the match, with no limit to the number of games. The first time control was 40 moves in 2 1/2 hours followed by 16 moves in 1 hour.
Karpov's seconds were I. Zaitsev and Y. Balashov. Kasparov's trainer was Alexander Nikitin, who also served as chief second, assisted by G. Timoshenko.
Chief Arbiter was S. Gligoric, assisted by Y. Averbakh and V. Mikenas. Gligoric had also served as arbiter for the 1983 Kasparov-Korchnoi candidates semifinal match. R. Toran served as president of the appeals committee
Games 1-9; Karpov jumps to a 4-0 lead
Karpov had White in the first game which was played on 10 September.
Game 1 - Sicilian Defense The game entered the Keres Attack of the Scheveningen Variation with 6.g4. In 1982, Kasparov and Nikitin had published a book on the opening, appropriately titled 'Everything about the Scheveningen'.
Of the move which Kasparov played in this first match game they had written, '8...h5 does not, in our opinion, solve Black's opening problems', giving 8...d5 with a '!' as the best move. Karpov varied from their published analysis on his 11th move, following a 1983 game by two Soviet players. Kasparov steered the game into new territory with his 15th move.
Neither player was able to gain an advantage. With two minutes remaining for each player after the 36th move, Kasparov offered a draw and Karpov accepted.
Game 2 - Queen's Indian Defense On his 7th move, Kasparov played a speculative pawn sacrifice which had been known since game 12 of the 1980 Korchnoi-Polugaevsky semifinal match, where Polugaevsky won brilliantly with the White pieces. Kasparov varied from previous games with his 13th move. Kasparov missed a chance to gain an advantage on his 21st move, instead allowing Karpov to gain the advantage with his move.
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Game 2 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 21...f7-f6 |
Kasparov sacrificed the exchange on move 26 and the game became very sharp. Although commentators disagree on the best move sequences, Karpov probably missed chances to win, and had to return some material to avoid being checkmated.
The game was adjourned in a position where Kasparov's sealed move (41.Rxf6) was forced. Most analysts expected Karpov to win, but Kasparov found a perpetual check a few moves into the second session. This was a superb tactical struggle.
Kasparov took his first timeout for game 3, when he came down with the flu.
Game 3 - Sicilian Defense Karpov played a Maroczy bind in the Taimanov Variation and Kasparov countered with a Hedgehog Defense. Karpov built up a strong position and Kasparov, after considering his move for 50 minutes, sacrificed a pawn to obtain counterplay.
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Game 3 : Karpov - Kasparov |
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after 16...d6-d5 |
Karpov kept the initiative, won the game in 31 moves, and led 1-0.
It was Karpov's turn to catch a flu and he took a timeout for game 4.
Game 4 - Queen's Indian Defense Karpov varied from game 2 with 4...Ba6. On his 21st move, Kasparov initiated a series of pawn sacrifices which Karpov was obliged to refuse. With opposite colored bishops and all of the heavy pieces on the board, Kasparov gained a slight advantage because of a centralized bishop.
The game was adjourned with Karpov sealing his 41st move, but was drawn a few moves into the second session, on Kasparov's proposition.
Game 5 - Sicilian Defense The opening was another Scheveningen Variation. This time Kasparov varied from his published analysis on the 11th move. The game was drawn after 21 moves, proposed by Kasparov.
Game 6 - Queen's Indian Defense Karpov varied from game 2 with 7...O-O. Kasparov sacrificed a pawn for an attack, then immediately missed the best line on his 27th move. A few moves later Kasparov offered a draw, which Karpov declined.
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Game 6 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 35.d6-d7 |
(White offered a draw) |
The game was adjourned in a R+Pfgh vs. R+Pagh endgame, with Karpov sealing his 42nd move. Karpov won a classic endgame after 70 moves and led 2-0. Because Karpov had avoided defeat and had gone on to win, this was considered a critical game in the early stage of the match.
Game 7 - Queen's Gambit Declined Karpov switched to 1.d4, allowing the Tarrasch Defense (3...c5), which Kasparov had used in all three candidates matches. After using 30 minutes on each of his 15th and 16th moves, Kasparov sacrificed the isolated pawn on d5. Kasparov recovered the pawn, but left Karpov well centralized. In some time pressure, Kasparov blundered with 35...Rc2.
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Game 7 : Karpov - Kasparov |
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after 36.Qd3-e3 |
Karpov penetrated with his queen and started winning Black's Q-side pawns. Kasparov sealed his 42nd move, but resigned without continuing. Karpov now led 3-0.
Kasparov took his second timeout.
Game 8 - Catalan Opening Kasparov switched to 3.g3, avoiding the Queen's Indian Defense, and the game continued quietly. Kasparov offered a draw on the 20th move, which Karpov accepted.
Game 8 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 20.Rd1-c1 1/2-1/2 |
This was the first game where Kasparov played for a short draw with the White pieces. There would be many more such games in this ill-starred match.
Game 9 - Queen's Gambit Declined The players followed game 7, until Karpov varied with 15.Bd4. Kasparov replied instantly, showing that he was prepared for the continuation. Karpov avoided winning Black's isolated d-pawn on his 22nd move, playing to keep the pawn under fire.
In an endgame with B+N+6Ps for each player, Kasparov sealed his 42nd move, which was not the most accurate. After 46.b4, Kasparov blundered with 46...gxh4, and Karpov obtained a decisive advantage.
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Game 9 : Karpov - Kasparov |
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after 47.Ne3-g2 |
Karpov won to lead 4-0, and needed only two more wins to keep the title.
Games 10-27; after 17 consecutive draws, Karpov makes it 5-0
Game 10 - Queen's Indian Defense Kasparov varied from the previous games with 4.Nc3 and 5.a3. The game was drawn on the 15th move in an unbalanced position.
Game 10 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 15.Qd1-d2 1/2-1/2 |
Game 11 - English Opening Karpov switched to 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 and steered into an English opening. After both players fianchettoed both bishops, Karpov developed an initiative, which Kasparov repulsed by first weakening his K-side and then his pawn structure.
Karpov missed a chance to exploit the weaknesses and Kasparov sealed his 41st move in a R+P endgame. The game was agreed drawn before the second session began.
Game 12 - Queen's Gambit Declined Karpov switched from 3...b6 to 3...d5. The game was drawn on the 21st move, after Kasparov's proposition.
Game 12 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 21.Qd2-c2 1/2-1/2 |
Why was Kasparov making short draws?
After Kasparov's third consecutive short draw with the White pieces, speculation started as to the reason behind Kasparov's match tactics.
On 13 October, between games 12 and 13, Harry Golombek wrote in The London Times that Kasparov was faced with threats against his family if he should win the match. FIDE President Florencio Campomanes refuted the theory in a letter to the editor of The Times. Most close observers discounted the possibility and subsequent events made the theory unlikely.
Rumors started to swirl as to the real cause of Kasparov's unusual match tactics. Some other theories were that the players:-
- were expecting the match to be interrupted for the Chess Olympiad;
- were protesting against the proposed two year title cycle, to which the Soviet Chess Federation was opposed;
- were relaxing after the struggles during the first nine games
Writing in the March 1985 issue of Chess Life, Soviet emigree and U.S. chess champion Lev Alburt advanced the theory that Karpov was taking stimulants during the match. This hypothesis was Alburt's explanation for Karpov's collapse during the 1974 and 1978 matches against Korchnoi. Alburt's theory centered on Dr. Vladimir Zukhar's role during the 1978 match as 'a leading Soviet expert on drugs', not a parapsychologist as had been reported in the Western press.
According to Alburt, Zukhar was working with Kasparov's team in Moscow, so Kasparov knew 'that Karpov has been conditioned for a short match, a Blitzkrieg' and 'that Karpov will collapse if the match lasts long enough -- regardless of the length of the games'.
If this theory were true, why did Karpov accept the short draws and not try harder to win, perhaps at the cost of losing a game or two? Surely, each extra day of the match would bring Karpov closer to collapse. A theory advanced by Kasparov was that Karpov wanted to win 6-0, as Fischer had done in his 1971 candidates matches. This would have removed permanently the stigma of having gained the title by forfeit from Fischer.
Alburt also claimed that demands for Kasparov to resign the match to allow Karpov to play in the Olympiad were an attempt to end the match before Karpov's collapse. Suggestions to adjourn the match for the Olympiad were similarly motivated.
Game 13 - English Opening The opening followed game 11 until Karpov varied with 6.Nc3. Karpov sacrificed the exchange, which Kasparov returned immediately.
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Game 13 : Karpov - Kasparov |
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after 16...Qe5-a5 |
(17.Bxe7 Ne5 18.Qd1 Nxd7 19.Qxd7 Qxa2) |
The game was drawn after 33 moves in a R+N+4P vs. R+B+4P endgame.Game 14 - Queen's Indian Defense The opening repeated game 4 until Karpov varied with his 9th move. Another short game was drawn on the 16th move.
Game 14 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 16.a4-a5 1/2-1/2 |
Game 15 - Queen's Indian Defense The players followed the previous game, until Kasparov varied from Karpov's line on his 12th move. Kasparov offered a draw after his 22nd move, but faced with material loss a few moves later, he sacrificed the exchange.
Game 15 : Karpov - Kasparov |
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after 24...d5-d4 |
Rather than accept the exchange, Karpov played to win a pawn. The game simplified into a B+N+Pefgh vs. B+N+Pfgh endgame. Karpov played on until the 93rd move, when the game was agreed drawn.
Game 16 - Queen's Indian Defense The opening followed games 14 and 15, until Karpov varied on his 7th move. The strategy of repeating the opponent's opening was seen several times in the match.
Kasparov made his first real attempt since game 6 to play with the White pieces. In a difficult position, Karpov blundered and allowed Kasparov a strong sacrifice.
Game 16 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 23.Re1-e6(xN) |
(23...fxe6 24. Qxe6+ Kh8 25. Rc4) |
Kasparov misplayed a few moves later and allowed Karpov to gain the advantage. Instead of playing for a win, Karpov agreed to a draw.
Game 17 - Queen's Gambit Declined The opening followed game 12, this time with Karpov playing the White pieces and varying from Kasparov's line on his 9th move. The game was agreed drawn after 22 moves.
Game 18 - Queen's Indian Defense The opening followed game 16, until Karpov varied on his 9th move. The game was agreed drawn on the 22nd move, because the best line led to perpetual check.
Game 18 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 22.Ne4-f6+ 1/2-1/2 |
This was the 9th consecutive draw, exceeding the previous record for a world championship title match, which was a series of 8 draws during the 1927 Capablanca - Alekhine match.
Game 19 - Queen's Gambit Declined Karpov played one of Kasparov's trademark variations with 6.Bxf6. Both players continued accurately and the game reached a R+Pafgh vs. R+Pefgh ending similar to game 6, which Karpov had won. This time, the draw was agreed without continuing after the adjournment.
Game 20 - English Opening The opening followed game 13, where Karpov had played White. Kasparov varied on the 14th move, but the game was drawn on the 15th move.
Game 20 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 15.Bc1-f4 1/2-1/2 |
Game 21 - Queen's Gambit Declined The opening followed game 19 until Kasparov varied with 7...dxc4. Kasparov equalized easily and the game was balanced until it was agreed drawn on the 31st move.
If the match had been following the same conditions as pre-1978 title matches, Karpov would have been declared the winner at this point with 12.5-8.5. The draw in the previous game would have been sufficient to keep the title.
Game 22 - Catalan Opening The opening followed game 8 until Kasparov varied on the 8th move. The game was drawn on the 20th move.
Game 22 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 20.Rc1-c2 1/2-1/2 |
There was a one week pause between games 22 and 23. The 7 November was a public holiday in the USSR, and was followed by Kasparov's third timeout.
Game 23 - Queen's Gambit Declined The game followed the 21st until Karpov varied on the 6th move. It was drawn after 22 moves.
Game 24 - English Opening The game followed an opening which had not yet been played and was drawn on the 17th move.
Game 24 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 17.c3-c4 1/2-1/2 |
Game 25 - Queen's Gambit Declined The opening followed game 17 and varied around the 10th move. The game was drawn after 21 moves.
Game 26 - English Opening The opening followed game 24 until Karpov varied on the 11th move. The game was drawn after 23 moves.
Game 26 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 23.f7-f6 1/2-1/2 |
By this time most journalists had left Moscow to cover the Olympiad in Thessalonika. There was some concern that the Soviet team was playing without their two top players. This seemed to matter no longer when the Soviets beat the Hungarian team in the third round by a score of 4-0. The Hungarians had been one of the principal gold medal contenders during previous Olympiads.
Game 27 - Queen's Gambit Declined The opening followed game 21 until Karpov varied on his 7th move. Karpov took advantage of some imprecise play by Kasparov, gained an advantage, and won a pawn.
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Game 27 : Karpov - Kasparov |
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after 22.Nf3-e1 |
Karpov sealed his 41st move in a R+B+4P vs. R+P+3P endgame and notched the win in the second session. It was the first decisive game after 17 consecutive draws. Karpov now led 5-0 and needed only one more win to end the match.
No one could have suspected that this game, played on 23 November, would be Karpov's last win of the match.
Games 28-32; more draws, then Kasparov finally wins; it's 5-1
Game 28 - Petroff's Defense Kasparov switched to 1.e4 for the first time in the match. Seeking complications, he sacrificed a pawn on his 12th move to keep Karpov's king in the center. As compensation for the pawn, Kasparov obtained two bishops against two knights. The game was agreed drawn on the 25th move.
Game 28 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 25.f2-f3 1/2-1/2 |
Game 29 - Slav Defense The match entered its fourth calendar month as the game, played on 2 December, was drawn after 13 moves.
Game 29 : Karpov - Kasparov |
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after 13.c6-c5 1/2-1/2 |
Game 30 - Petroff's Defense The opening followed the 28th game until Karpov varied on his 7th move. The game was drawn after 20 moves.
Game 30 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 20...Rb8-e8(xR) 1/2-1/2 |
Game 31 - Queen's Gambit Declined After so many draws, the match produced a real battle. The opening followed game 25 until Karpov varied on his 12th move. Karpov maneuvered against Kasparov's hanging pawns, forcing Kasparov to sacrifice a pawn. He obtained counterplay in his better centralization and an initiative against Karpov's kingside.
In an unclear position and with both players short of time, Kasparov offered a draw, which was accepted. Most observers considered that Karpov held an advantage.
Game 31 : Karpov - Kasparov |
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after 35...Rc8-e8 1/2-1/2 |
This was the 26th draw of the match, exceeding the 25 draws played during the 1927 Capablanca - Alekhine match.
Kasparov considered this game to be a critical point in the match. Had Karpov pressed for the initiative, he would probably have won and gained the last full point needed to win the match. Instead, he waited for Kasparov to lose, and when this did not happen, he lost his nerve and seemed relieved to draw.
Game 32 - Queen's Indian Defense For the first time since game 16, Kasparov played a real game with the white pieces. The opening followed game 10 until Kasparov varied on his 7th move. Kasparov launched an attack against Karpov's uncastled king, which won a pawn.
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Game 32 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 23.g6-g7 |
('?' - Kasparov; 23.Bxb7) |
Kasparov sealed in a Q+Pefg vs. Q+Pab endgame and Karpov resigned before resumption. Some observers considered that Karpov resigned prematurely. It was Kasparov's first win of the match and his first victory ever against Karpov, but Karpov still led 5-1.
Karpov took a timeout before the next game.
Games 33-46; 14 consecutive draws
Game 33 - Slav Defense The opening followed a new path and Kasparov introduced a theoretical novelty on the 7th move, sacrificing a pawn, which Karpov could not hold safely. The game was drawn on the 20th move.
Game 34 - Queen's Gambit Declined Kasparov returned to his waiting tactics with the White pieces. The opening followed game 12, with Kasparov varying on the 9th move to follow Karpov's line in game 31. Karpov then deviated from the 31st game on his 9th move. The game was drawn after 20 moves.
Game 34 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 20...Qf6-f5 1/2-1/2 |
The match was interrupted for one week by Gligoric, because the hall was needed following the death of Marshall Ustinov.
Game 35 - Sicilian Defense Karpov played 1.e4 for the first time since the 5th game, which Kasparov answered with the Classical Variation. The game was drawn after 17 moves. The match was now the longest on record, exceeding the length of the 1927 Capablanca - Alekhine match.
Game 36 - Queen's Gambit Declined The opening followed game 34 until Karpov varied on his 11th move. Kasparov sacrificed a piece to achieve the sort of complex tactical position that had always been his bread and butter.
Game 36 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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16.Nc3-b5(xP) |
Karpov missed the best continuation with 16...Qb8 and returned the piece plus a pawn to attain an endgame with queen, rook, and bishops of opposite colors. In mutual time trouble, Kasparov missed a win with 26.Rd7 and the game was agreed drawn after the first time control.
For the 37th game, played on 2 January 1985, the organizers planned to move the match venue from the prestigious Hall of Columns to the less prestigious Hotel Sport, 9 km from the center of Moscow. The players protested and the decision was deferred.
Game 37 - Sicilian Defense The match entered its second calendar year and fifth calendar month on 2 January. The opening followed game 35 until Karpov varied on his 9th move. The game was drawn after 15 moves.
Game 38 - Queen's Gambit Declined The opening followed game 12 until Kasparov varied on his 16th move. The game was drawn after 25 moves.
Game 38 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 25...Rc7-b7 1/2-1/2 |
Game 39 - Queen's Gambit Declined Karpov switched back to a closed opening. The players followed game 38 until Karpov varied from Kasparov's line on the 22nd move. Karpov kept a small edge, but Kasparov held until adjournment, sealed an accurate move, and then held the draw in the second session.
Game 40 - Queen's Gambit Declined The opening followed game 38 until Karpov varied on his 13th move. Karpov sacrificed a pawn in a difficult position, but Kasparov let the win slip away just before the first time control. During the second session, Karpov held the draw easily.
Karpov took a timeout.
Game 41 - Petroff's Defense Kasparov answered 1.e4 with ...e5, varying from the Sicilian Defense for the first time in the match. The opening followed game 30 until Karpov varied from Kasparov's line on the 8th move.
Kasparov played aggressively by planting a knight in enemy occupied territory, but Karpov countered various threats and emerged from hand to hand combat with an extra pawn. On his 33rd move, Karpov missed a win which would have ended the match immediately.
Game 41 : Karpov - Kasparov |
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after 33.Re1-d1(xB) |
(33.a6 should win) |
Kasparov sealed at adjournment and although Karpov continued to move 70, he was unable to demonstrate a win.
Game 42 - Queen's Gambit Declined The opening followed game 38 until Karpov varied on his 16th move. The game was drawn after 26 moves.
Game 43 - Sicilian Defense The opening saw a variation of the Sicilian Defense not yet seen in the match. The game was drawn after 21 moves in a position where a lot of play remained.
Game 44 - Ruy Lopez Kasparov opened with 1.e4 for the first time since the 30th game and the match saw the first Spanish opening. Kasparov played actively, but missed his best chance on his 30th move. The game was drawn a few moves before the time control.
Game 45 - Sicilian Defense The opening followed game 5 until Karpov varied on his 13th move. Coming out of the opening, Karpov appeared to have a small advantage, but Kasparov exchanged most of the material to reach a drawn R+P endgame.
A timeout was called because the playing area was reserved for another occasion.
Game 46 - Ruy Lopez The opening followed game 44 until Kasparov varied on the 11th move. Kasparov again played actively and gained an advantage, but then missed several attempts to increase his advantage. The game was agreed drawn at the end of the first time control.
Games 47-48; Kasparov scores twice; it's 5-3
Game 47 - Queen's Gambit Declined The 47th game was played on 30 January.
A closed opening branched into new territory when Kasparov varied on his 4th move. Kasparov offered a draw on his 16th move in a balanced position, but Karpov continued to play. A few moves later Karpov seemed to lose the thread of the game with his king in the center.
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Game 47 : Karpov - Kasparov |
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after 28...c5-c4 |
Kasparov notched his second win to bring the match score to 5-2.
The match was interrupted by timeouts on 1 February, called by Karpov, and on 4 February, apparently to prepare a move to the Hotel Sport.
On 1 February, Campomanes proposed to Yuri Mamedov, the leader of Kasparov's delegation, that the match continue for eight more games. If still not finished, there would be a new match limited to 24 games, starting with a score of 0-0. Campomanes then left for Dubai, leaving Alfred Kinzel, former president of the West German chess federation and serving during the match as chairman of the appeals committee, in charge of negotiations.
Kasparov refused the proposal because the arithmetic was against him. Karpov would need only one win and could afford to take chances, while Kasparov would need four wins in the eight games.
Game 48 - Petroff's Defense The 48th game was played on 8 February. The opening followed game 28 until Karpov varied on his 7th move. Kasparov again played aggressively and converted a K-side attack into an extra pawn.
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Game 48 : Kasparov - Karpov |
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after 22.e5-e6 |
The game was adjourned in a R+P endgame. Kasparov won a second pawn during the resumption and Karpov resigned after 67 moves. Karpov still led 5-3, but had suffered two consecutive losses.
The match is terminated
The day that Kasparov won the 48th game, Campomanes, along with R.Keene and other chess officials was visiting Dubai. He received a call from Gligoric that Karpov was unable to continue the match.
The match was interrupted by timeouts, the first on 11 February, requested by Kasparov, and then on 13 February, called by Campomanes, who had returned to Moscow on the 11th. The Soviet chess federation, in a letter signed by V.Sevastianov, president of the federation, had demanded a three month suspension of the match, citing concerns about the health of the players. This was Campomanes's reason for granting the second timeout.
Campomanes and Gligoric visited Kasparov on the 14th to discuss Sevastianov's letter. Kasparov's response was that either Karpov should abandon the match or the match should continue. Mamedov was informed the same evening that the match was to be stopped. The announcement would be made at a press conference on the following day, 15 February.
Although neither player was expected to attend the press conference, Kasparov arrived just before it started and sat with the assembled journalists.
Campomanes started with a prepared statement.
I declare that the match is ended without decision. There will be a new match which will start from scratch - the score at 0-0 - on 1 September 1985.The two players consent. The next FIDE Congress in August shall determine further necessary match provisions. The winner of that match will be the world champion for the period 1985-1986.
The five month long battle on the chess board had failed to determine the rightful owner of the World Chess Championship title.
There were some questions from journalists during which Campomanes stated that he had been with Karpov just before the conference and that Karpov wanted to continue the match on Monday, the next scheduled playing day. Campomanes further stated that Kasparov was also not happy with the decision to stop the match.
Karpov arrived during the Q&A session, sat down next to Campomanes, and confirmed that he preferred to continue the match immediately. Kasparov was invited to speak and asked Campomanes why he was stopping the match if both players preferred to continue.
Campomanes replied that he would take advantage of having both players in the same room to hold a private conversation with both of them at the same time. Kasparov declared immediately that he would prefer to continue. Karpov declared that he was also ready to play on Monday
The principles, less Kasparov, retired to another room to discuss the continuation. Kasparov changed his mind and joined them afterwards. The participants prepared an agreement that the match would be interrupted. Karpov signed, but Kasparov refused to sign.
When the press conference continued, Campomanes announced that Karpov accepted the decision to stop the match and that Kasparov submitted to the decision. After the new match, Karpov would also be granted the right to a return match. The FIDE rules in effect until 1963 were being used again.
It is a fact that Karpov lost 10 kilos (22 pounds) during the match. It is an opinion that he lost the respect of much of the chess world. Campomanes won an enemy in Kasparov, and this would haunt him for years to come.
If there was a hero in this tale, it was Kasparov. Trailing by 5-0 after 27 games, he played another 21 games without a single loss, and thereby avoided losing the match. Under intense pressure to resign the match, he resisted. When faced with a premature termination of the match, he refused any concessions to the Soviet chess authorities, to Campomanes and FIDE, and to his opponent.
The mainstream Western press was astonished that a Soviet citizen could express himself so publicly without retribution from the Soviet authorities.
Who was the best player of 1984?
The post-match politics began immediately after the match ended. The first problem centered on the Chess Oscar for 1984.
Which was more important -- that Karpov led the match 5-1 at yearend or that the match was later undecided? Kasparov's impressive win over Smyslov in the final candidates match had also to be taken into account.
An Oscar for Kasparov would be a blow to Campomanes. FIDE decided to allow votes by journalists from small federations. It was the only time that the small federations bothered to vote.
The envelope was to be opened 24 April in Barcelona. Campomanes and Karpov were in the city three days before the ceremony. Karpov won by 1390 votes to 1360 for Kasparov. The award ceremony was broadcast on Soviet television, which had never been done before.
As for the prize fund, it was split evenly between the two players.
The following table shows the dates on which the match games were played.
Month/Week | : | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | |
Sep | 10-14 | : | 01 | -- | 02 | -- | -- |
17-21 | : | 03 | -- | -- | -- | 04 | |
24-28 | : | 05 | -- | 06 | -- | 07 | |
Oct | 01-05 | : | -- | -- | 08 | -- | 09 |
08-12 | : | 10 | -- | 11 | -- | 12 | |
15-19 | : | 13 | -- | 14 | -- | 15 | |
22-26 | : | 16 | -- | 17 | -- | 18 | |
29-02 | : | 19 | -- | 20 | -- | 21 | |
Nov | 05-09 | : | 22 | -- | -- | -- | -- |
12-16 | : | 23 | -- | -- | -- | 24 | |
19-23 | : | 25 | -- | 26 | -- | 27 | |
26-30 | : | -- | -- | 28 | -- | -- | |
Dec | 03-07 | : | 29 | -- | 30 | -- | 31 |
10-14 | : | -- | -- | 32 | -- | -- | |
17-21 | : | 33 | -- | 34 | -- | -- | |
24-30 | : | -- | -- | 35 | -- | 36 | |
31-04 | : | -- | -- | 37 | -- | 38 | |
Jan | 07-11 | : | 39 | -- | 40 | -- | -- |
14-18 | : | 41 | -- | 42 | -- | 43 | |
21-25 | : | 44 | -- | 45 | -- | -- | |
28-01 | : | 46 | -- | 47 | -- | -- | |
Feb | 04-08 | : | -- | -- | -- | -- | 48 |
11-15 | : | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
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