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World Chess Championship
1990 Manila Interzonal Tournament

Manila, VI-VII, 1990.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Tot
01 Gelfand B GM 2680 =26 +42 +03 =14 +29 =05 =02 =11 +08 =12 =06 =09 +16 9.0
02 Ivanchuk V GM 2680 -54 +41 +43 +21 +08 +48 =01 =06 =12 =10 =05 +17 =03 9.0
03 Anand V GM 2610 =32 +44 -01 +49 -13 =54 +47 =18 =14 +29 +37 +12 =02 8.5
04 Short N GM 2610 +20 -21 -13 =46 +33 +24 +07 -08 +30 +18 =11 =06 +12 8.5
05 Sax G GM 2600 =22 +64 +51 +08 =48 =01 =12 =09 =13 =11 =02 =10 =07 8.0
06 Korchnoi V GM 2630 =31 +33 =07 =15 +28 =30 +29 =02 =11 =13 =01 =04 =10 8.0
07 Huebner R GM 2585 =38 +62 =06 =16 =17 =18 -04 +19 +48 +21 =10 =11 =05 8.0
08 Nikolic P GM 2600 +13 +58 +12 -05 -02 =19 +40 +04 -01 =17 =21 =14 +25 8.0
09 Yudasin L GM 2615 =45 +49 -29 +55 +25 =14 +48 =05 -21 +16 =12 =01 =11 8.0
10 Dolmatov S GM 2615 =24 =23 +27 =11 +39 =29 +30 -12 +15 =02 =07 =05 =06 8.0
11 Dreev A GM 2615 =44 =32 +22 =10 =21 +13 +14 =01 =06 =05 =04 =07 =09 8.0
12 Gurevich M GM 2640 +43 +36 -08 +37 =14 +34 =05 +10 =02 =01 =09 -03 -04 7.5
13 Damljanovic B GM 2515 -08 +53 +04 =51 +03 -11 +34 +16 =05 =06 -17 =19 =15 7.5
14 Georgiev Kir GM 2580 +57 =16 +17 =01 =12 =09 -11 =31 =03 =15 +28 =08 =20 7.5
15 Ljubojevic L GM 2600 +40 =29 =16 =06 =18 =17 =21 +22 -10 =14 +36 =25 =13 7.5
16 Ehlvest J GM 2655 +56 =14 =15 =07 =30 =23 +19 -13 +31 -09 +22 +21 -01 7.5
17 Khalifman A GM 2615 =33 +31 -14 +24 =07 =15 +23 =21 =29 =08 +13 -02 =19 7.5
18 Seirawan Y GM 2635 =42 =26 =30 +56 =15 =07 =31 =03 +40 -04 =27 =24 +22 7.5
19 Chirov A GM 2580 =55 =35 =23 =33 +42 =08 -16 -07 +32 +50 +29 =13 =17 7.5
20 Hjartarson J GM 2520 -04 +61 -37 -40 +38 -36 +45 =47 +54 =39 +42 +34 =14 7.5
21 De Firmian N GM 2560 +61 +04 =48 -02 =11 +37 =15 =17 +09 -07 =08 -16 =28 7.0
22 Rechlis G GM 2505 =05 =28 -11 +27 =47 =25 +46 -15 +41 +48 -16 +37 -18 7.0
23 Spasov V IM 2495 =34 =10 =19 +36 =51 =16 -17 =44 -39 +43 =35 =26 +49 7.0
24 Stohl I IM 2525 =10 -34 +45 -17 +58 -04 +43 +39 =50 -37 +44 =18 =27 7.0
25 Adams M GM 2590 +46 =63 +50 -29 -09 =22 =39 =49 +44 =27 +30 =15 -08 7.0
26 Dzindzichashvili R GM 2560 =01 =18 +38 -30 =31 =46 =63 =34 =36 =42 =39 =23 +41 7.0
27 Ftacnik L GM 2550 -51 +59 -10 -22 +64 =32 +57 =37 +34 =25 =18 =36 =24 7.0
28 Gulko B GM 2600 =64 =22 =32 +58 -06 =47 =41 =36 =33 +31 -14 +45 =21 7.0
29 Lautier J GM 2570 +60 =15 +09 +25 -01 =10 -06 +50 =17 -03 -19 =39 =35 6.5
30 Lputian S GM 2575 +59 =51 =18 +26 =16 =06 -10 =48 -04 +33 -25 =41 =36 6.5
31 Illescas Cordoba M GM 2535 =06 -17 =64 +38 =26 +51 =18 =14 -16 -28 =32 +44 =37 6.5
32 Ivanovic B GM 2520 =03 =11 =28 -50 =36 =27 =53 =54 -19 +55 =31 =48 +56 6.5
33 Torre E GM 2530 =17 -06 +62 =19 -04 =49 =42 +46 =28 -30 -45 +51 +48 6.5
34 Agdestein S GM 2600 =23 +24 +63 -48 +50 -12 -13 =26 -27 +52 +40 -20 =39 6.5
35 Marin M IM 2485 =37 =19 =36 -39 =49 =42 -56 +55 +47 =40 =23 =50 =29 6.5
36 Tal M GM 2580 +52 -12 =35 -23 =32 +20 =37 =28 =26 +56 -15 =27 =30 6.5
37 Miles A GM 2595 =35 =55 +20 -12 +43 -21 =36 =27 +49 +24 -03 -22 =31 6.5
38 Sunye Neto J GM 2465 =07 =39 -26 -31 -20 =60 =59 +58 =53 +47 =48 =42 +50 6.5
39 Sokolov A GM 2570 =62 =38 =54 +35 -10 =41 =25 -24 +23 =20 =26 =29 =34 6.5
40 Popovic P GM 2520 -15 =60 =42 +20 +63 =50 -08 +56 -18 =35 -34 =49 =45 6.0
41 Cabrilo G IM 2485 -48 -02 =59 +60 +56 =39 =28 =42 -22 +49 =50 =30 -26 6.0
42 Spraggett K GM 2540 =18 -01 =40 +64 -19 =35 =33 =41 +51 =26 -20 =38 =46 6.0
43 Zapata A GM 2545 -12 +52 -02 +53 -37 =57 -24 -51 +61 -23 +58 =54 +55 6.0
44 Ye Rongguang GM 2525 =11 -03 -49 +62 -55 +58 +51 =23 -25 +57 -24 -31 +54 6.0
45 Lobron E GM 2535 =09 -50 -24 =59 +52 -56 -20 =57 +60 +54 +33 -28 =40 6.0
46 Rachels S IM 2475 -25 +47 =58 =04 =54 =26 -22 -33 -57 +62 =56 +52 =42 6.0
47 Petursson M GM 2550 -63 -46 +57 +52 =22 =28 -03 =20 -35 -38 +60 =56 +59 6.0
48 Portisch L GM 2590 +41 +54 =21 +34 =05 -02 -09 =30 -07 -22 =38 =32 -33 5.5
49 Rogers I GM 2535 =50 -09 +44 -03 =35 =33 +55 =25 -37 -41 +53 =40 -23 5.5
50 Vaganian R GM 2630 =49 +45 -25 +32 -34 =40 +54 -29 =24 -19 =41 =35 -38 5.5
51 Kamsky G 2650 +27 =30 -05 =13 =23 -31 -44 +43 -42 =53 =52 -33 +60 5.5
52 Lin Ta IM 2435 -36 -43 +61 -47 -45 +64 +62 =53 =56 -34 =51 -46 +58 5.5
53 Smyslov V GM 2570 -58 -13 +60 -43 -57 +59 =32 =52 =38 =51 -49 =62 +61 5.5
54 Chandler M GM 2560 +02 -48 =39 =63 =46 =03 -50 =32 -20 -45 +61 =43 -44 5.0
55 Mascarinas R IM 2465 =19 =37 =56 -09 +44 -63 -49 -35 +59 -32 +62 =61 -43 5.0
56 Arencibia W IM 2555 -16 +57 =55 -18 -41 +45 +35 -40 =52 -36 =46 =47 -32 5.0
57 Van Riemsdijk H IM 2440 -14 -56 -47 +61 +53 =43 -27 =45 +46 -44 =59 -60 =62 5.0
58 El Taher F IM 2375 +53 -08 =46 -28 -24 -44 =60 -38 =62 =61 -43 +59 -52 4.0
59 Juarez Flores C IM 2425 -30 -27 =41 =45 =62 -53 =38 =61 -55 +60 =57 -58 -47 4.0
60 Piasetski L IM 2410 -29 =40 -53 -41 =61 =38 =58 =62 -45 -59 -47 +57 -51 3.5
61 Hmadi S IM 2335 -21 -20 -52 -57 =60 =62 +64 =59 -43 =58 -54 =55 -53 3.5
62 Afifi A IM 2400 =39 -07 -33 -44 =59 =61 -52 =60 =58 -46 -55 =53 =57 3.5
63 Salov V GM 2655 +47 =25 -34 =54 -40 +55 =26 3.5
64 Thipsay P IM 2490 =28 -05 =31 -42 -27 -52 -61 1.0

How the players qualified for this event: C15 Qualifiers

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