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The World Chess Championship
Index of all Zonals C02 Qualifiers
BCM, 1951-06, p.175
BCM, 1951-10, p.275
EK: In the zonal tournament at Marianske Lazne, Foltys and Benko tied for 5th place. BCM comments that while Foltys is ahead on Sonneborn-Berger a playoff match is likely. Foltys health deteriorated quickly and he died in early 1952 before playoff match could be played. So I wonder why Benko didn't get the last spot by default. Or perhaps he declined? [Ref. BI072028]
PJ: Foltys and Benko obtained an equal number of 10 points each and shared 5th-6th place. The Sonneborn-Berger evaluation system, which turned out to be beneficial for Foltys, decided who would play in the Interzonal tournament. [Ref. OJ041053]
Soltis & McCormick, United States Chess Championship (1845-1996), p.84
EK: 1951 U.S. Championship (won by Evans) is listed as a zonal tournament. But the U.S. representative in Interzonal was Steiner who didn't even compete in 1951 U.S. Championship. But he did win the 1948 U.S. Championship. Also Steiner and Evans played a U.S. Championship match which was won by Evans. Here is what I think happened: U.S. zone had 2 spots - one was taken by 1948 U.S. Champion and 1 by 1951 U.S. Champion. Evans declined to participate and was not replaced. So I think you should add the 1948 U.S. Championship in South Falssburg as a zonal tournament. [Ref. BI072028]
Canadian Chess Chat, 1951-10, p.3
Di Felice, 'Chess Results, 1951-1955'
Di Felice, 'Chess Results, 1951-1955'
BCM 1999-12 p.627
EK: There is still an open question how Pilnik and Wade got to play in the Interzonal. Pilnik definitely didn't play in South American zonal so he must have been invited for some reason. I think it's the same case with Wade. Who invited them and how? [Ref. BI072028]
EK: Reshevsky, Fine and Euwe were seeded into 1950 Candidates but couldn't participate (U.S. State department didn't allow Fine and Reshevsky to travel to Hungary, and Euwe couldn't get a leave from his university). Because of this, Reshevsky and Euwe were seeded into 1953 Candidates. I know that Fine retired from professional chess in the meantime, but was he also seeded into 1953 Candidates for the same reasons as Reshevsky and Euwe? [Ref. BI072028]
Berman, Fide Review 1960, p.008
Berman, Fide Review 1957, p.053